Learning Opportunities
Trinity Lutheran Church currently provides a full range of learning opportunity classes for all ages including infants, pre-school, and adult groups.

Infants and Small Children
- We strongly encourage parents to keep their children with them while in worship walking them whenever necessary. No child can scream louder than the pastor can preach.
- There is a rocking chair and soft toys near the worship space for parents who need to walk their little ones but still want to remain fully present during worship.
- There is also a Family Room with toys where parents can play with their very little ones if that is desired. The worship service can be heard in this room.
- All children are welcome to come forward for the Children’s Message during worship—parents may come forward with their children and sit with and/or hold them during this time.
- First Communion Classes are provided for any child that is preschool age and parents/pastor feel are able to engage in structured activities.

Preschool and Grade School Aged Children
Small children able to engage in structured activities through 5th grade.
- Immediately following the Children’s Message, children are invited to attend Sunday School. This is during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

Preparation for Affirmation of Baptism
- For middle school aged children or as needed.
- Duration for approximately 2 school years.
- Learning about faith in preparation for Affirmation of Baptism (saying “yes” to your baptism).
- Includes class time, field trips, a retreat, service projects.
- This is NOT like school – there are no homework assignments or mandated requirements.
- It IS an opportunity to gain “heart knowledge” about faith, learn about people of the Bible, what it means to be Lutheran, and live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
- Class days and times are flexibly scheduled usually meeting before worship on Sunday morning.

- Youth are all young people who have completed Catechism Class and are confirmed.
- Trinity’s goal is to encourage youth to become actively involved in the workings of the congregation: serve on committees, council, attend mission trips, field trips, youth events of the greater church, participate musically, and learn how to advocate for friends, family, and neighbors.
- Youth attend the Adult Forum on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

Women’s Evening Bible Study
4th Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at the homes of various members
Women’s Daytime Bible Study
2nd Tuesday of the month, 1:00 p.m. in the Trinity Library
Men’s Bible Study
4th Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m. at Furnace Creek Manor Senior Apartments in Robesonia
Lenten Wednesday night Soup, Study, and Sacrament
beginning at 6:00 in the library during Lent.
Adult Study Group during Summertime Vacation Bible School
Meets on designated evenings throughout the summer beginning with dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Adult Forum
Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Library
Come Join Us!
Our doors are open to all who desire fellowship with imperfect people discovering what it means to live as grace-filled followers of Jesus in an imperfect world.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Wernersville
130 S. Walnut St.
Wernersville, PA 19565
Phone (610) 678-1782
E-mail tlcworship@aol.com
Click here to launch Google Maps.