Trinity Lutheran Church Music
Since it’s inception in 1920, Trinity’s choir has provided the Lutheran Community with the beauty of music and different groups are now available to join.
Senior Choir
- All youth and adults are invited to sing with us!
- You do not need to know how to read music to sing with us
- Just come with your love of music and sharing God’s Word through His gift of music!
- We sing during our Sunday morning worship services throughout the school year
We have two Wednesday rehearsal times: 2:00PM and 7:30PM. Rehearsals are held during the school year in the Nave. We invite teens and adults to join us for the rehearsal time that works best for you.
We sing a variety of music
If you would like to sing with us but are not able to sing on a weekly basis, we invite you to sing with us when you are able to and also for Christmas Eve, Easter and other Festival and special services
- Our Senior Choir is directed by our Church Musician, Carla Seidel
Bell Choirs
- Directed by Deacon Carol Koch
- Joybell Choir
- For Youth and Adults
- Flexible rehearsal times
- Play monthly for Saturday worship at 5:30 p.m.
- Carolbell Choir
- For Youth and Adults
- Rehearses after worship on Sunday mornings
- Plays monthly and special occasions
- Chime Choir
- For Sunday School Children
- Rehearses during Sunday School
- All bell choirs and the chime choir participate in the annual Christmas Concert
- And engage in an annual Bell Choir Christmas Party Potluck and enjoy a Spring picnic
Sunday School Orchestra
- Instrumentalists of all ages welcome
- Members are gathered from Trinity membership and the greater community as well
- Participate in community parades and events
- Rehearsals are as needed
Music for Children and Youth
- Deacon Carol and Pastor Julie prepare children and youth to sing and play during worship and special events
Summer Music
- Those desiring to share their musical gifts on summer Sundays may sign up to do so
- Carla is very happy to rehearse individuals and ensembles as well as accompany them
Come Join Us!
Our doors are open to all who desire fellowship with imperfect people discovering what it means to live as grace-filled followers of Jesus in an imperfect world.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Wernersville
130 S. Walnut St.
Wernersville, PA 19565
Phone (610) 678-1782
Click here to launch Google Maps.